Monday, September 7, 2009

Energy Saving Ideas for the Car

In this post I will cover a few simple, yet effective ways to save some gas, and in turn save some cash!
  • Use the air conditioning as little as possible. It creates drag, making your engine work harder.
  • Keep those windows up as much as possible. Cars are designed to be aerodynamic for fuel efficiency, they become significantly less aerodynamic when the windows are down. (Out of these two, in most modern cars using the AC will get you better gas mileage, but using neither is the best!)
  • Coast down hills
  • Accelerate slowly from stops, racing up to speed eats gas!
  • When buying a new car, consider a manual transmission over an automatic. They usually get 1-2 MPG better.
  • Use your gears. When going up steep inclines, shift to a lower gear, its easier on the engine, in turn saving fuel.
  • Keep your car in good running condition. Keep up with all regular maintenance such as oil changes and tune ups. Sometimes these can have to most drastic increases in fuel economy!
These are just a few of the many things you can do to cut back on fuel consumption, so stay tuned for more energy saving tips for your car, home, and everywhere you go!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Few More Energy Saving Tips

  • Line dry clothes whenever possible, this saves a lot of electricity and gas depending on your drier
  • Use drier balls, they help clothes dry faster, reduce static and make clothes fluffier
  • Unplug chargers when not in use
  • Turn of power strips when not in use
  • Use natural light as much as possible
  • Use water saver shower head
  • Reuse water to water plants
  • Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposables
  • Spend time in rooms with others after dark, reduces light used
  • Use programmable thermostats. Setting it to away mode can make a big difference, and the best part is, since you're away, you'll never feel a difference except in your bill
  • Window insulation kits are a cheap and easy way to cut heating costs in the winter
  • Draft stoppers are a simple device that you put at the bottom of your doors to keep cold air out, and heat in. Old towel and rugs rolled up can be used for the same purpose, and don't cost anything!
  • Purchase energy efficient electronics and appliances

Do you have any tips? Post them in a comment and I can add them to my blog!

Energy Saving Tips

  • Here are a few good ways to save energy around your home:
  • Use compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs as opposed to traditional bulbs
  • Use the energy saving modes on your computer when performance isn't demanded
  • Put your computer to sleep or turn it off when not in use
  • Open windows at night to let cooler air instead of using AC
  • Replace night light bulbs with LED bulbs
  • Limit bathroom exhaust fan usage, it pulls out the cool/warm air out of your home, making your heat/ac work harder
  • Wash all clothes in cool water, reduces the load on the hot water heater
  • Turn down brightness on TVs and Monitors
  • Completely turn off game systems instead of using standby modes
  • Make sure home theater components are shut off when not in use
  • Use a toaster oven instead of a traditional oven when making small quantities
  • Use blinds and curtains to block out the sun in the summer, and open them to let the warmth in in the winter

These are just a FEW tips of the many out there to help save some energy and cut costs around the home. Stay tuned, there will be more to come in the future!